How Much Does it Cost to Wrap a Motorcycle

If you want to customize your motorcycle with a unique design or protect its paint job from wear and tear, wrapping it can be an affordable and stylish solution.

But how much does it cost to wrap a motorcycle? In this article, I’ll look at the factors that affect the cost of a motorcycle wrap and give you an idea of what to expect.

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Cost to wrap motorcycle | Factors affecting cost | Materials used in wrapping | Get Quotes | How much to wrap a Harley | How long do wraps last | Can you wrap motorcycle yourself

How Much Does it Cost to Wrap a Motorcycle?


The cost of wrapping a motorcycle can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the bike’s size, the design’s complexity, the quality of the vinyl material used, and the labor costs charged by the professional wrapping company.

A basic motorcycle wrap can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500. This typically involves a solid color or a simple design, such as stripes or racing accents. More complex designs or custom artwork can cost $2,500 or more.

It’s also worth noting that the cost can vary based on location, as prices may be higher in more expensive areas.

Additionally, some companies may charge extra for services like removing previous graphics or preparing the bike’s surface before wrapping.

Overall, obtaining quotes from several reputable wrap companies in your area is best to get a better idea of your specific bike and design cost.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Wrapping a Motorcycle

bike specialist wrapping a motorcycle

The following factors can affect the cost of wrapping a motorcycle:

Motorcycle Size

The larger the bike, the more vinyl material will be required to cover it, which can increase the cost. Smaller bikes will require less material and may therefore cost less to wrap.

Full Wrap/Partial Wrap

A full wrap that covers the entire motorcycle will be more expensive than a partial wrap that covers only certain areas. A partial wrap may only cover specific panels or accents, which can reduce the amount of material and labor required.

Material of Wrap

The type and quality of vinyl material used can affect the cost. High-quality vinyl with specialized metallic or matte finishes can cost more than standard vinyl.

Additionally, some types of vinyl are designed for specific applications, such as wraps that can stretch around curves or adhere to textured surfaces, and may cost more.

Labor Costs

The labor cost can vary depending on the design’s complexity and the installer’s experience.

Applying a more intricate design may require more time and skill, increasing labor costs. The hourly rate for a professional installer can also vary depending on the location and level of experience.

Other factors that can affect the cost of wrapping a motorcycle include the complexity of the design, the number of colors used, the removal of existing graphics, and the amount of surface preparation required before the wrap can be applied.

It’s best to get a detailed quote from a professional wrap installer to understand the specific costs involved in your project.

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Different Materials Used in Wrapping a Motorcycle

carbon fiber

Here’s an overview of some common materials used in wrapping a motorcycle, along with links to expected cost per sqft:

Carbon Fiber

Carbon fiber vinyl is popular for wrapping a motorcycle because it gives a textured, high-tech look. It’s also lightweight and durable.

The cost of carbon fiber vinyl can vary depending on the quality and brand but typically ranges between $2 and $10 per square foot.


Chrome vinyl is another popular motorcycle wrap, providing a high-shine reflective finish.

However, it’s more expensive than other materials and requires more maintenance to keep clean. The cost of chrome vinyl can range from $10 to $20 per square foot.

Vinyl Gloss

Vinyl gloss is a high-gloss, smooth finish with a clean and sleek look. It is also durable and resistant to fading and scratches.

The cost of vinyl gloss can range from $2 to $10 per square foot, depending on the quality and brand.

Vinyl Matte

Vinyl matte has a flat, non-reflective finish that can provide a more understated or subtle look. It is also durable and resistant to fading and scratches.

The cost of vinyl matte can range from $2 to $10 per square foot, depending on the quality and brand.

It’s worth noting that the actual cost of a motorcycle wrap will depend on several factors, such as the bike’s size, the design’s complexity, and the labor costs involved in the installation.

It’s best to obtain a detailed quote from a professional wrap installer to understand the specific costs involved in your project.

Get Quotes For Your Motorcycle

girl on black power bike

To obtain a quote for your motorcycle, you can estimate the area of your motorcycle (in square feet) and provide that information to the wrap shop.

You can also provide the make and model of your motorcycle so they can estimate the size for you. It’s recommended to contact each shop directly for a detailed quote based on your specific needs and preferences.

New York City
Los Angeles
Motorcycle wrapping quotes

How Much Does it Cost to Wrap a Harley?


The cost of wrapping a Harley can vary depending on many factors, including the size of the bike, the type of wrap material used, and the labor costs of the wrap installer.

For example, let’s consider a Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 883, which has an average size of about 28-32 square feet.

Assuming a mid-range vinyl wrap material with an average cost of around $7-$10 per square foot, the materials for wrapping a Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 883 would be approximately $196-$320.

The labor costs for wrapping a motorcycle vary widely, but a mid-range estimate for a professional wrap installer might be around $70-$100 per hour.

Assuming an average installation time of 6-8 hours, the labor costs for wrapping a Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 883 might be around $420-$800.

Adding together the cost of materials and labor, the total cost of wrapping a Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 883 might be approximately $616-$1120.

The cost of wrapping a Harley can vary based on many factors, including the specific wrap material used, the location and experience level of the wrap installer, and any additional customization or design work requested by the customer.

A detailed quote from a professional wrap installer is recommended for a more accurate estimate.

How Long Do Wraps Last?

How long a wrap lasts depends on various factors, such as the quality of the wrap material, the installation process, and how well the wrap is cared for.

Generally, a high-quality vinyl wrap can last anywhere from 3 to 7 years, depending on these factors. However, it’s important to note that extreme weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, can impact the lifespan of a wrap.

Can You Wrap Your Motorcycle Yourself?


While it’s possible to wrap your motorcycle yourself, it’s generally not recommended unless you have experience and expertise working with vinyl wrap materials.

Applying a wrap to a motorcycle requires specialized tools and techniques and knowledge of how to work around the curves and contours of the bike’s body.

Any mistakes during the installation process can result in a poor-quality or ineffective wrap, which can be costly to fix or remove.

It’s recommended to have a professional wrap installer handle the wrapping process for your motorcycle.

Professional installers have the expertise, tools, and experience to ensure that your wrap is properly applied, looks great, and lasts as long as possible.

While the cost of professional installation may be higher than a DIY approach, the quality and longevity of the wrap make it a worthwhile investment for many motorcycle enthusiasts.


Whether you want to add a personal touch to your bike or protect it from scratches and fading, wrapping your motorcycle can be a great investment.

By understanding the factors that affect the cost of a motorcycle wrap, you can make an informed decision and find a wrap that fits your style and budget.

So why not explore the world of motorcycle wrapping and take your ride to the next level?